Surviving Finals Week In Eating Disorder Recovery
Colleen Werner
Finals week is a time full of excitement, anticipation, and lots and lots of stress. While the semester is finally almost over and summer break is within reach, a slew of papers, projects, and exams are the barrier that still stands between.
When you couple finals week with eating disorder recovery, things get even more complicated. Here are 3 tips to help you survive finals week in eating disorder recovery:
1. Take plenty of breaks
When you’re bogged down with assignments and studying, it can be challenging to find time for relaxation. Schedule breaks into your study routine that way you won’t get too burnt out. Something as simple as taking 2 minutes to stretch and breathe can make all the difference.
2. Keep up with your appointments with your treatment team
Just like it’s hard to prioritize relaxation during finals week, it can be just as hard to prioritize appointments with your treatment team. Be sure to keep up with your appointments so that you and your team can stay on top of any triggers that may pop up and help you cope in the most effective way possible.
3. Fuel your body and mind
Fueling your body and mind is crucial every day of the year, and it’s extra important during finals week. If you aren’t adequately fueling yourself, your brain won’t be able to function fully to complete your assignments and exams. Make sure to eat plenty of food and drink plenty of water so that your mind and body will be satisfied and can thrive.
This finals week, be kind to yourself and try out these tips so that you can do well on your finals AND keep up with your recovery.
Colleen Werner is a writer, dancer, and future therapist from Long Island, NY. She’s studying Psychology at SUNY Old Westbury and plans on going to graduate school for Mental Health Counseling. She aspires to start an eating disorder treatment program for dancers. Colleen’s experiences in recovery from an eating disorder and anxiety disorder have inspired her to share her story in an effort to help others, end the stigma, and create a sense of community. She is a National Ambassador for Project HEAL, a Campus Editor-at-Large for HuffPost, and a contributor for HerCampus and The Mighty. Colleen’s Instagram, @leenahlovesherself, inspires thousands every day with her posts about authenticity and mental health.