The most important thing to do if you are worried about your emotional eating is to embrace the emotions and allow yourself to actually FEEL your feelings.
As an eating disorder dietitian, it is literally a core belief of my soul that no food is bad.
When you’re operating from the psychology of deprivation, you are going to be hungry for the things that you tell yourself you shouldn’t have.
If you’re ready to free yourself and others from diet culture, fat phobia and eating disordered thoughts, take note of the words you should stop using- today.
If you haven’t got a team to help you build a relapse prevention plan, start with mine.
There are ways to improve nutritional intake, but contrary to popular belief, it isn't through more nutrition information.
When you take care of your circadian rhythm, you then have the bandwidth for other things in life that you truly value.
A healthy weight in the broadest sense factors in the weight your body naturally settles at when you are nourishing and moving (or not moving) your body in a way that makes sense for you at any given stage in your life.
In this video, I'm talking about taking a mid-year inventory on how your recovery is going. (Important reminder: this is just to check in and does not serve as a method to beat yourself up)
In this video, we're going to plan for a relapse because recovery is NOT a linear process.
Let's talk about body image and find out how you can work on improving your body image this Summer!
Healing and recovering isn't about changing who you are. It's about changing your relationship to who you are.
The process of making peace with food, embracing Intuitive Eating and giving up the diet mentality absolutely requires curiosity.