
The Most Common & Least Talked About Eating Disorder

The Most Common & Least Talked About Eating Disorder

College football players aren’t exactly who come to mind when thinking of someone with an eating disorder. However, earlier this month Penn State’s kicker Joey Julius publicly shared in a Facebook post that he struggles with Binge Eating Disorder (BED). With support from his coach, Joey missed spring and summer workouts to enter treatment. 

Dr. Phil: Please Stop Triggering People With Eating Disorders

Dr. Phil: Please Stop Triggering People With Eating Disorders

Dear Dr. Phil: Oh, how I’ve loved you since your early days on Oprah, but today, I’m writing you with a specific request. I watched this week’s episode, “Identical Twins Starving to Death: Who’s to Blame,” and I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. So, since we’re both therapists and can appreciate the value of talking things through, I thought I’d start the conversation.